Dog & Puppy Training Classes
and Scentwork Classes
Dog Obedience Training Class in Medway, Kent

About Our Dog Training Classes
As one of the best rated Medway and Kent dog trainers, I really want all the dogs I am involved with to be happy, well behaved members of society who can go anywhere with their families.
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme is the UK’s largest dog training programme. The Scheme promotes responsible dog ownership by teaching owners to train their dogs for everyday life situations.
Who Can Attend Dog Training Classes and Where:
Any dog 6 months and older , any ability
Beginners (Bronze / Silver Kennel Club Good Citizen) class 5pm & 630pm
Advanced (Gold Kennel Club Good Citizen ) class 715pm
Classes are held at Higham Memorial Hall, School Lane, Higham ME3 7JL
Group Dog and Puppy Training Walks
About Group Walks
Group training Walks are social training walks for dogs and puppies.
With dog training we often find that it can be difficult to transfer the skills learnt in obedience training classes to real life situations.
Why does this happen? Because in training classes, we set our dogs up to succeed. We create a calm learning environment to help our dog’s listen, learn and process all the skills we are teaching them with minimal distraction. When we’re out in the ‘real world’ we can’t always control what happens – off lead dogs, birds, wildlife, livestock, people who want to say ‘hi’ – the list goes on! Understandably, our dog’s may find it more difficult to listen and it sometimes feels like all their learning has gone out of the window. Training walks bridge that gap.

Dog Scent Work Training Courses

What is Dog Scent Work?
Scent work is an activity that mimics the abilities of working detection dogs (such as Police and Border Force) to locate a scent, and communicate to the handler that the scent has been found.
Scent Work is a positive, challenging activity that allows dogs the opportunity to use their strongest natural sense in a way that’s fun, engaging, and that builds and strengthens the bond between handler and dog.
Using their nose is the primary sense that all dogs possess and on our scent work courses we look to develop this, forming a greater bond between dog and handler.
Enroll Your Dog in Our Expert Training Classes. Build a Happy, Well-behaved Pet Today!

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